Batting Average Against Calculator [How to Calculate BAA with Formula for Pitchers]

An easy tool for calculating batting average against in baseball with grading scale for evaluation.

Batting Average Against Calculator

Batting Average Against Calculator

How to Use This Batting Average Against Calculator

Batting Average Against (BAA) measures how often opposing hitters get a hit against a pitcher. This batting average against calculator uses a pitcher’s hits allowed, batters faced, and other plate appearances that don’t count as at-bats to determine their BAA. Follow these steps to calculate batting average against for a pitcher.

Hits Allowed

To use this batting average against calculator, first, enter the total number of hits the pitcher has allowed. Hits include singles, doubles, triples, and home runs. Do not include walks, errors, or hit-by-pitches in this total.

Total Batters Faced

Next, enter the total number of batters the pitcher has faced. This includes every plate appearance, whether the result was a hit, walk, out, or any other event.

Walks Allowed

After that, enter the total number of walks the pitcher has given up. Walks are not included in batting average calculations because they do not count as an official at-bat.

Hit By Pitch

Next, enter the total number of batters the pitcher has hit. Hit-by-pitches are similar to walks in that they do not count as an official at-bat.

Sacrifice Hits and Sacrifice Flies

Next, enter the total number of sacrifice bunts and sacrifice flies against the pitcher. Sacrifice plays do not count as at-bats, so they must be removed from the calculation. For clarity, sacrifice bunts are also referred to as sacrifice hits in official stat keeping.

Catcher Interference

The final step in this BAA calculator is to enter the total number of times a batter has reached base due to catcher interference. This is a rare occurrence, but it must be excluded from the at-bat count.

What Not to Do

  • Do not enter negative numbers or leave required fields blank.
  • Do not include walks, sacrifices, or hit-by-pitches in the hits total.
  • Do not confuse batters faced with at-bats—this calculator automatically adjusts for that.

Click calculate to see the batting average against. The result will also include a rating to help interpret the number.

Using our online pitch tracker tool to count total pitches.

Why Does This Batting Average Against Calculator Need So Many Stats?

Unfortunately, at-bats is not a tracked stat for pitchers, only batters faced. Unlike hitters, who have official at-bats recorded, pitchers are only credited with batters faced, which includes every plate appearance, regardless of outcome.

Because walks, hit-by-pitches, sacrifice flies, sacrifice hits, and catcher interference do not count as at-bats, we must adjust batters faced by subtracting those events. This ensures that we calculate batting average against using only the at-bats where a hit was possible, making it an accurate measure of a pitcher’s ability to prevent hits.

Batting Average Against Formula

The formula for batting average against is:

BAA = Hits Ă· (Batters Faced – (Walks + Hit By Pitch + Sacrifice Hits + Sacrifice Flies + Catcher Interference))

For example, if a pitcher allows 50 hits and faces 250 batters while giving up 40 walks, 5 hit-by-pitches, and 10 sacrifice flies, the calculation would be:

BAA = 50 Ă· (250 – (40 + 5 + 10))
BAA = 50 Ă· 195
BAA = .256

A lower BAA means the pitcher allows fewer hits per at-bat, which is a sign of strong performance.

What is Batting Average Against

Batting average against shows how well a pitcher prevents hitters from making contact. A low batting average against means the pitcher is difficult to hit. A high batting average against means opposing hitters are consistently making contact and reaching base.

This stat is useful for evaluating both starting pitchers and relievers. A starter with a low batting average against is keeping hitters off base and limiting scoring opportunities. A reliever with a low batting average against is effective at shutting down innings.

Why Batting Average Against is Useful

Calculating batting average against gives a quick look at a pitcher’s ability to prevent hits. This is especially important for evaluating whether a pitcher relies on soft contact, strikeouts, or defense to succeed. A high batting average against suggests that hitters are frequently making strong contact and getting on base.

This stat is also useful when comparing different types of pitchers. A power pitcher who relies on strikeouts may have a lower BAA than a pitcher who pitches to contact but relies on defense.

Other Stats That Measure Pitching Performance

Calculating batting average against is useful, but it does not tell the full story of a pitcher’s ability. Other statistics provide additional insight into performance.

  • Earned Run Average (ERA) measures how many runs a pitcher allows per nine innings. A pitcher can have a low ERA even if their batting average against is high if they limit damage with runners on base. Earned Run Average Calculator
  • Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) focuses only on the outcomes a pitcher controls: strikeouts, walks, and home runs. This stat removes the impact of defense, showing how well a pitcher performs based purely on their ability.
  • WHIP (Walks and Hits Per Inning Pitched) measures how often a pitcher allows baserunners. A pitcher with a low WHIP is limiting both walks and hits, making it harder for opponents to score. WHIP Calculator
  • Strikeout-to-walk ratio (K/BB) compares a pitcher’s ability to strike out hitters versus issuing walks. A high strikeout-to-walk ratio suggests strong control and dominance on the mound. And another strikeout stat, strikeouts per 9 is also very useful.

What Affects Batting Average Against

Several factors outside of a pitcher’s control can impact batting average against.

A strong defense can lower a pitcher’s batting average against by turning potential hits into outs. A weak defense may allow more balls to drop in for hits, raising a pitcher’s batting average against.

The size of a ballpark also plays a role. A large ballpark with deep fences may reduce hits because outfielders have more room to make plays. A smaller ballpark may lead to more hits because there is less ground to cover.

Pitching style also affects batting average against. A strikeout pitcher who misses bats will naturally have a lower BAA than a pitcher who allows a lot of contact but relies on weak ground balls and fly outs.

Still, using this batting average against calculator is useful for evaluating how well a pitcher limits hits. While it does not tell the full story, calculating batting average against helps provide a clear measure of a pitcher’s ability to prevent opposing hitters from making contact.

A low BAA suggests dominance on the mound, while a high BAA may indicate struggles with control, command, or defense. When used alongside stats like ERA, FIP, and WHIP, batting average against helps paint a complete picture of a pitcher’s performance.